I'm sure everyone has made these in their lives before... It was fun. Clothes pin, beads, paint and puff paint and tada... Rudolph! I started out with some plain clothes pins (the old school kind without the springs) I drilled holes in the "tops" so I could put the string through it. Then I painted the bottoms with a medium brown acryllic paint. I painted the tops (the insides also) with an acryllic black paint. After letting it dry while hanging from a pipe cleaner suspended inside a cup so the ornament would not touch anything and dry evenly, I used a hot glue gun to add a red bead for Rudoph's nose and two white beads for his eyes. After the glue cooled completely, I went back and filled in the center of the bead with black puff paint so it would have a pupil. After everything was dry, I added a ribbon through the holes to hang it from. And that was day 3 done and dusted. :)

Never seen them before! :-) But our clothes pins look different (we only have the string ones) so that is probably why. Cute!