Tuesday, November 12, 2013

That Time Again

Yep! It's that time again- time to start getting ready for Christmas. After making so many Christmas tree ornaments last year, I found my tree full to the top with beautiful ornaments. Since I don't need any more Christmas tree ornaments, this year I have decided to go a different way with my challenge. While we have plenty of tree ornaments, we have virtually no other Christmas decorations outside of a few candle holders and things like that, so this year my challenge is to make other types of Christmas decorations for our house. There are 42 days until Christmas however some of those days I will be busy with Thanksgiving and family and so I have decided that I will do one decoration a day starting tomorrow and going through November 26th and then start again on December 2nd and make one a day through December 18th. This will give me 32 Christmas decorations. As with last year's challenge, the decorations should each be unique. Also they should make use of something I have at home as this is a recycling/upcycling challenge. The total cost of all the decorations can be NO MORE than $32.

So here is the challenge:

32 UNIQUE Christmas decorations in 32 days costing no more than $32 total and each decorations must use something from home.

The thing to keep in mind here is that I don't want tree ornaments and I don't want things that I will just throw away at the end of the year. I want these decorations to be imaginative, fun and most of all I want them to be things that I will want to reuse again in the future. If you have any ideas of what I should do, toss them my way. If not, well, keep an eye on this page because I will definitely be posting some interesting ideas.

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