Friday, November 30, 2012

Angels we have heard on high

More ribbon angels. Different than the last ones. I love the way the light glows through the ribbon making them glow.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pretty ribbon pinwheels

I made these out of fan folded wired ribbon then glued the cap from two broken glass balls. I almost threw the caps away but flattened one and thought it looked pretty so I wanted to use them somehow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas tummys

I saw these in pinterest and thought I would make some out of some plastic ball ornaments I had. They are kinda cute I thought.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Little gifts

I wrapped some little boxes to hang on the tree. Super cute. :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Wire ribbon angels

For these adorable angels, I fan folded wire ribbon. First I fan folded 10 pleats into my wire ribbon. Then I fan folded 7 pleats in another piece of ribbon. I stapled the top of the 10 pleat ribbon then I cut off any excess at the top. Next I stapled the 7 pleat fan fold in the middle. Then I glued the 7 pleat fanfold on top of the 10 pleat fanfold and spread them out. Then I glued a bell on top for the head. Finally I added a flat back jewel on the front to hide where the pieces come together.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Santa's Nice List

Santa's nice list ornaments. One is made with a spool of thread. The other is made of a straw.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Sock snowmen with twig  arms and rolled paper carrot noses.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Cookie sheet ornaments

Cookie sheet ornaments made from baby food container lids. I painted them silver and cut out cardboard cookies to glue on them. Then I made a rolling pin out of rolled paper and toothpicks.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Jar lid ornaments

Today I have ornaments made of jar lids.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


These owls are made of scrapbook paper and toilet paper tubes. They are so adorable.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Polar bears

My husband really wanted me to make a polar bear ornament so after a few days thought, here's what I came up with. I used an old pair of socks, some left over black and white fleece, a plain white ball ornament, a bit of ribbon, a couple of beads and a permanent marker to make my polar bear ornaments. I took the sock and cut it down so I only have the top of the sock to work with. I used a piece of fleece for the nose with a bead under it to give it more depth. I used white fleece to make the ears and then I drew on the eyes and mouth with a permanent marker. I made the hat from the sock by tying a ribbon around the song leaving part of it sticking out. then I cut the part that was sticking out so it would look like fringe. they look almost exactly the same but I did make two.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hot air balloons

I saw this on pinterest and thought it was the best idea. Its easy. You just make a basket out of cardboard and string (or wire as I did). The you take the hanger off your standard ball ornament. Attach your basket to it then put it back on the ball and glue a ribbon to hang it from the "top" of the hot air balloon (the ball). It is adorable. And I found the perfect balls to use for it. So far for all my ornment materials I have only spent $7.51.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The North Pole

I made some cardboard north pole ornaments. Not much to say. I just cut out the poles and the signs, painted them and when they were dry I put the stripes on the poles and then glued the white signs to red cardstock and wrote the words on the signs. Then glued the signs on the poles and attached a ribbon for hanging. Then I used a bit of hot glue and glitter for the snow at the bottom. What an easy and cute craft.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Walking in a winter wonderland...

Snowflakes or icicles made of hot glue on crumpled foil. Then painted with glitter glue to add some sparkle. :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Another snowman...

It's amazing how many things just make good snowmen ornaments. This one is a trader joe's drinkable yogurt bottle. I made a hat from cardstock and a fleece scarf. So cute.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree

Today I made rolled paper Christmas trees. It is just like it sounds. You cut strips of scrapbook paper in different sizes. ( I cut 3", 2.5",2",1.5",1" &.5" wide strips.) Then I rolled them up as tight as possible and glued the ends. Then I used hot glue to put the rolls together to make the tree then I added the bead decorations and the ribbon.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cardboard ornaments

Still not feeling great today but these ornaments are cute anyway. They are pretty self explanatory.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Tonight I made snowflakes out of the bottoms of empty plastic bottles. I painted them blue then painted the  white snowflakes. Not the best I've done but I wasn't feeling great today so I opted for something easy.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Another snowman

Todays ornament is another snowman. This time I made the hats out of cardboard and the plastic cups that hold the  icing in the refrigerated pillsbury cinnamon rolls (canned). I cut the cardboard circles just a little larger than the cups (about a half inch). Then I cut out the centers of the cardboard circles and glued them to the cups. I painted them black and added the ribbin and little flower bead then glued them on to some plain white glass balls that I had. Then I made rolled paper carrot noses and uttered puff pain for the eyes and mouth. They are so cute. I made two but only photographed one.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mel T. the Snowman...

For today's ornament I made snowmen out of melted hot glue, an orange pipe cleaner, some scrapbook paper and some beads. At first I tried squirting the glue from the glue gun onto foil but that wasn't looking so great so I switched  methods. I cut the glue sticks into pieces around 1/4 of an inch thick (maybe just a bit smaller). I put them in a sort of round shape on non stick foil on a cookie sheet. Then I put them in the oven which I had preheated  to 400* (f). This melted the glue  in under 5 minutes. (to watch it closely I just kept the oven opened a little and watched it melt. After it was done melting I took it out and put in the beads for the eyes and mouth and the pipe cleaner "carrot" nose. Then I used a clear bead at the top to make a hole to put the string through. After all that I cut out some scrapbook paper scarves and glued on. I also added the buttons for an accent on the scarf.  Again this wasn't my own idea. It was suggested to me by a friend at work.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Adorable pinwheel ornaments

For these ornaments I cut strips of scrapbook paper into different widths. Then I fan folded the steps and taped the ends together so that the paper looked like a zig zag ring. From there I can't really explain what I did. Think of it like opening an oriental hand fan. It should look like that but all the way in a full circle. Anyway, I glued the middle with a bit of hot glue and glued a button over the middle. They turned out great, I think.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Salt clay ornaments

For todays ornaments I actually cut out and baked the ornaments yesterday so I could paint them today. To make salt clay its really very simple.

1 cup of salt
4 cups of all purpose flour
1 & 1/2 cups of water

Knead dough till dough is firm enough to roll out (think cut cookie dough only thicker).  Cut out ornaments and then bake in the oven till  they are fully cooked.

I cooked my ornaments at 200 degrees (f) for about 2 and a half to three hours. Maybe longer (I didn't really  watch the clock.

It was a fun project. Done of the ornaments I tried to texture. Some turned out great, some  just okay. I thought the snowmen were great especially as I used a Frankensteins head cookie cutter to make them.

Anyway, big fun.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Little copper trees

Today I used copper wire and beads to make some little Christmas trees.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rudolph the red nosed ornament...

I'm sure everyone has made these in their lives before... It was fun. Clothes pin, beads, paint and puff paint and tada... Rudolph! I started out with some plain clothes pins (the old school kind without the springs) I drilled holes in the "tops" so I could put the string through it. Then I painted the bottoms with a medium brown acryllic paint. I painted the tops (the insides also) with an acryllic black paint. After letting it dry while hanging from a pipe cleaner suspended inside a cup so the ornament would not touch anything and dry evenly, I used a hot glue gun to add a red bead for Rudoph's nose and two white beads for his eyes. After the glue cooled completely, I went back and filled in the center of the bead with black puff paint so it would have a pupil. After everything was dry, I added a ribbon through the holes to hang it from. And that was day 3 done and dusted. :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Paper Towel Roll Birdhouses- Country Cuteness

Today I made some birdhouses out of toilet paper rolls. I really can't take the credit for the idea because I saw it on pinterest. So here they are. (also I made a couple of extra).

To start the ornament I stapled one end of the ornament flat. Then I folded the end over a little and stapled that down also. Next I cut out the hole for the bird house and made a little hole for the perch of the birdhouse which I made out of a twig. The next step was to paint the birdhouses and let them dry. After they dried I cut out a circle to use for the bottom and glued it on. I made the bottoms a little too big and then trimmed them down after the glue set. Next I made decorations for my birdhouses including the little signs and the birds to sit on the perches. Finally I glued on the string. This one really appealed to my crafty side. I loved the "country cuteness" of them.
I didn't really use a template for any of my decorations. As most of the people who know me know, I tend to freehand cut most things like this. I did go in to adobe illustrator to create the bird graphic which I then printed out onto a patterned scrapbook paper. All in all, they turned out fantastically. Loved them.